IE 11 compatibility
NPlayer offers two ways to be compatible with IE 11.
Auto-open current page with EdgeBecause IE 11 Win is the default browser for most of the cases, IE 11 browser works on Win 10.Win 10 offers a better Edge browser.
NPlayer will detect Win's 10 IE 11 browser by default.如果是的就会自动启动 Edge 浏览器打开当前页面,同时会触发 OpenEdge
You can set openEdgeInIE
to false
to disable this feature.
Use polyfill compatibilityIf you need to use NPlayer on IE 11.可以添加两个 polyfill 文件来兼容 IE 11 浏览器,分为 JS 和 CSS。
JS 兼用可以在使用 NPlayer 之前引入 这个 polyfill 文件。
NPlayer 中使用了 IE 11 不支持的 css 变量,可以使用 这个 polyfill,来解决 CSS 兼容问题。