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The NPlayer instance method is as follows.

const player = new Player()

mount(container?: HTMLElement | string): void#

Mount player to the DOM.If the parameter container is not passed during initialization, then the parameter is required when calling the function.

incVolume(v = this.opts.volumeStep): void#

Volume increments, step length is set for volumeStep.

decVolume(v = this.opts.volumeStep): void#

Decrease volume, step length is set to volumeStep.

toggleVolume(): void#

Restore or mute volume.

forward(v = this.opts.seekStep): void#

Forward, step in value seekStep.

rewind(v = this.opts.seekStep): void#

Rewind, step in to SeekStep.

play(): Promise<void> | void#

Play video. Nothing to return to some old browsers.See HTMLMediaElement

pause(): void#

Pause video.

toggle(): void#

Play or pause video.

seek(seconds: number): void#

Video jumps to specified events.

use(plugin: Plugin): this#

Install plugin.

updateControlItems(items: (string | ControlItem)[], index?: number): void#

Update control entry, default index is ``- the bottom line.For further information, see control bar.

registerSettingItem(item: SettingItem, id?: string): void#

Sign up for settings, see plugins

registerContextMenuItem(item: ContextMenuItem, id?: string): void#

注册右键菜单项,详情请查看 插件

registerControlItem(item: ControlItem, id?: string): void#

注册控制条项,详情请查看 插件

getSettingItem(id: string): SettingItem | null#

获取指定设置项,详情请查看 设置菜单

getContextMenuItem(id: string): ContextMenuItem | null#

获取指定右键菜单项,详情请查看 右键菜单

getControlItem(id: string): ControlItem | null#

获取指定控制条项,详情请查看 控制条

updateOptions(opts: PlayerOptions): void#

更新播放器参数,详情请查看 快速开始

disableClickPause(): void#


enableClickPause(): void#


dispose(): void#
